Hey everyone, I thought I would pop in and wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving from myself and the entire Silvertree Family!
I know that I can speak for the rest of the family when I say that we are thankful for all of your support. It means a lot to me especially that you come and spend your time watching me fumble around on the internet, pretending to be a gamer/streamer.
Our conversations have been hilarious, sad, ridiculous, anger inducing, tear jerking, heartwarming, friendly, and so much more. The support from this community is overflowing in all the best ways. I am thankful that I have been one of the lucky few fortunate enough to meet, spend time learning about and becoming friends with you.
Once again, we would like to wish you all the happiest of Thanksgivings if you celebrate, otherwise may whatever today is for you be full of happiness and gratitude.
We love yas,
~ Mr & Mrs Silvertree (and the kids)